Vasu Dazzle Oil is a combination of traditionally used aromatic oils with known muscular pain relieving effect. Its onset of action is prompt, providing quick relief from different type of pains like Muscular pain, stiff joints, backache etc.
Key ingredients :
Gandhpuro oil
Til oil
Erand oil
Nilgiri oil
Jyotishmati oil
Devdar oil
Shigru oil
Karpoor oil
Key benefits :
Narayana tail is an ayurvedic formulation effective in muscular aches, sprain and other neurological conditions
Nilgiri tail helps reduce pain and soothes the skin
Gandhapura tail helps relieve inflammation and helps prevent joint aches
Erand tail helps relieve joint pain, inflammation, and stiffness caused by conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism